Domingo De Mesa (06)
Domingo De Mesa (06)
hosted at our studio:
1134 President St, Brooklyn NY 11225
Together with our dear friend Maria Romero of Tintorería we are excited to welcome you to join us for Domingo de Mesa 06 with Chef Vicent Sendra.
Domingo de Mesa is a food series by Tintorería; featuring a chef, a host, a table or not, you and ‘El Closet’.
Vicent, born and raised in Valencia, Spain; moved to New York City 8 years ago, and soon after and almost by chance, he founded Paellaway.
- In Vicent’s house you eat paella, fideguà or arròs al forn every Sunday, and that is one ritual he brought with him and his family to NY.
Passionate about rice and typical Valencian dishes, he discovered that cooking paellas transmitted his culture, his roots and his passion for eating. Around that large round and cosmic pan, energy flowed, stories and experiences were told, there was a communion between people that is difficult to match in other contexts. The atmosphere was created from the moment the ritual of preparing the ingredients began, cooking it and, of course, savoring it.
Since then he has cooked in all kinds of places, and for people of very different conditions or social classes. His project has been growing but its essence has never changed: his desire to share
"The Real Paella Experience".
We can’t wait!